Thursday, July 25, 2024

Tall Ships - Messing Around with watercolors

Watercolors aren't my strong suite.  But here I am messing around with them for a class I have been taking called Painting Sea and Sky.  I need to do a lot more work to get comfortable with watercolors.  Right now I prefer gouache. 

Sketching Tall Ships

Monochromatic Painting

Limited Palette Painting

Adobe Illustrator - Post Card

Working on Design for Shero's Journey.


Friday, July 5, 2024

Adobe Illustrator - Scene Assignment

Made this little scene for my homework assignment in Illustrator.


Sunday, June 30, 2024

Adobe Illustrator - Week 2 - Door Project

Taking a class at RISD Extension.  Had to make a door from reference using shapes.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Adobe Illustrator - Icon Desk - Crop in the History of Turtle Island

Taking Adobe Illustrator 1 in RISD Extension.  This is my icon deck based on plants important to the history of enslavement and colonization.


Saturday, May 4, 2024

Gerome - Master Copy in Gouache

Taking a class called Gouache Techniques at RISD extension.  Working on a copy of Arabs Dispute by Gerome.