Monday, January 28, 2013

Mom and I in Jasmin's Sarees

A hot/humid lazy afternoon and Jasmin's Guest House in Fort Cochin Jasmin asked mom and I if we would like to try on one of her sarees.  We were very excited.  Yes let's play dress up.

I chose the orange and mom the red.

Jasmin applies lipstick to mom

Jasmin fits me just right: complete wit pleating and safety pins.

Mom looks great!!!!

Here we are all dressed up. Jasmin says I need to take  my hair out.

I am nervous I will hurt the saree but I also feel very glamourous on Jasmin's porch swing.

Art Retreat: Many Goodbyes

Goodbye River outside my door

good bye tea with marigold decorations

Circle of what we all created

Jayne and Mom look around

Goodbye Tea

Goodbye Tea

Wendy, Mary Lou and I in the small Yoga Hall

"Be Like a Tree: Take Less Give More" - Murty

Sashi and Wendy deep in conversation

Murty drawing his tree

Wendy's masterpiece.  Started with her eyes closed she found a woman with bare breasts and covered vagina. Interesting!

Wendy always heard bells.  They were her obsession.

Mom gets more at ease with painting making this mixed media Mandala.

Oh so Talented Wendy.  She starts with her eyes closed and opens them to develop this tree.

I am deep in thought

Mary Lou's personal collage

Monika's blind painting

Wendy's Mandala

Mom's Mandala

Mary Lou's Mandala

Yoga Vidya: Art Retreat with Mary Lou - Group Mandala

Working on the group Mandala.  Everyone had a slice of pie divided in 3 sections (past, present and future)

Jayne, Mom, Wendy and Mary Lou

My Pie: Past is red and green.  Love, Marriage, working on my career.  Trying to make money.

My prenet is Orange and Yellow: Painting, Looking for Spirituality.  My future is blue and purple: looking for higher purpose, continuing to develop yoga and spirtuality, giving to others.

Wendy, Me, Mom, Monika, Jayne and Mary Lou

Murty joins in

More people join in like Bindu, Wasalla and Maya.

Some Art - Various Exercises with Mary Lou at Yoga Vidya

A Mandala

This painting was started with my eyes closed listened to music.  When we opened our eyes we were supposed to see what we saw and paint from there.  I saw a sailor on a boat in the storm.  Mary Lou said although my man was in a storm he seemed in control without anxiety.  He also had protective gear which also showed him in control.

Our first day we did a collage about our self in the present moment.  A few  days later I decided to do a painting in my sketchbook from the collage.

Here are my notes from the day of making the postcard collage:

My postcard collage tells me how I feel about myself today.  I am experiencing great beauty in nature and architecture.  I feel good.  I feel at peace.  My collage has all my favorite things: flowers, butterflies, boats, the color orange.  My collage shows both strength and vulnerability.  My collage has archways (not locked doors) . . . exploration through these archways is easy to do and rewarding.
The freedom of the butterfly is the important moment balanced by the self-critical observing eye leading to a beautiful introspection.
Collage is always ever so easy and enjoyable for me.  I really didn't encounter difficulties.  Everything I wanted was there including my butterfly that I found last without even looking for it.

Another subconscious painting exercise that I started with my eyes closed.

A painting on canvas of my favorite ladies washing the dishes.  I didn't want to work on canvas or with acrylic but decided just to go with it.  I left in in Kerala with Wasalla and Bindu, I hope they like it.

The beautiful working ladies of Moolikulum

I found myself fascinated with the ladies of Moolikulum, especially Wasalla and Bindu.  They spoke very little English and I speak no Malayam but we all enjoyed each others company.

washing dishes

washing dishes

setting up the tea

listen to a lecture about health

washing dishes

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Bindu so beautiful