Friday, December 1, 2017


What many of us call ‘yoga’ - as actually only the physical practice of yoga poses.  If we wanted to be accurate we could be instead call the physical practice of yoga ‘Asana’. Asana is how many of us have come to yoga. However, Asana is just one small aspect of a much deeper and richer practice of what is know as the Eight Limbs of Yoga.

8 LIMBS OF YOGA - with help from Nischala Joy Devi

Yama  –   reflections of our true nature – qualities we must embrace to know Self

Niyama  – evolution toward harmony – practices that align us with our highest nature

Asana  –  comfort and steadiness in our physical being

Pranayama  –  control of life force energy (prana)

Pratyahara  –  encouraging the senses to draw within

Dharana  – focusing of consciousness inward

Dhyana  –  meditation –  the continuous inward flow of consciousness

Samadhi  –  bliss, the union with Divine consciousness


"In yoga, an asana is a posture in which a practitioner sits. In the Yoga Sutras, Patanjali defines "asana" as "to be seated in a position that is firm, but relaxed". Patanjali mentions the ability to sit for extended periods as one of the eight limbs of his system, known as ashtanga yoga.
“Asana is steadiness and comfort. Sthira-sukham asanam. In one of three terse aphorisms on the subject, the Yoga Sutras say, Sthira-sukham asanam—asana is steadiness and comfort. Steadiness and comfort describe an inner state of being as well as the experience of the physical body in an asana pose. It is a state of being “seated” in ourselves, of the body being comfortable with the mind, and the mind being comfortable with the body. In this way, the body can support the expansive state of a beautiful, clear, calm mind.” – Sandra Anderson

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