Thursday, September 6, 2012

Paintings end of August/beginning September

It is going to be hard to paint as much when I go back to work on Monday.  I have tried to be prolific with my weeks off.  I think I will have another big break in November.

I did this with Mary Beth on Friday in the Palisades.  I was a little tired by the time I got to this painting.  I was a little sloppy with my paint and not very methodical. 
 I did this in Sunny's class.  He helped me in the beginning when my drawing was going off track.  I figured out all the flesh color by myself.  I basically like it.  I was the first time I tried to attempt putting any pattern in clothing.  I have the neck scarf with some pattern on it.
I did this in Israel Martinez's uninstructed Wednesday nigtht workshop.  My flesh is a little gray was the critique from Sunny.  I think there is something wrong with my drawing.  When I was making it it felt like I was making a thick Diego Riviera or Picasso woman.
 I did this in the Palisades it seemed to work out well.  I used the technique Craig Nelson uses in his video as much as a could/

 This is a painting a did from a sketch for the Manzanar Exhibit.  I am not sure how I feel about it.  I named it "Manzanar Margins."

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