Saturday, March 3, 2018

Yoga Nidra for the 5th Chakra - Visuddhaa


Fifth chakra meditation focuses on the Vishuddha or throat chakra - first of the three spiritual chakras in our body.

Vishuddha in Sanskrit means "pure." It is the seat of our truth.

Who we are and what we say is located in this chakra. 

Blue is the color of this chakra. Imagine the mat is a blanket and you are lying outdoors.  The weather is perfect and the sky is a brilliant blue. Visualize a clear, blue sky.

Take a few deep breaths and focus attention on every inhalation and exhalation picturing this clear blue sky.

Say to yourself mentally “I am practicing Yoga Nidra”

Say to yourself mentally “I will stay awake for Yoga Nidra”

With every inhalation, expand your boundaries of your body

With each exhale dissolve the physical boundaries and  feel  connected to everyone and everything
Imagine sky  blue purifying light entering your mouth  filling your throat, mouth and chest

This blue light is bringing you back into a place integrity aligning your words with your thoughts, hopes and dreams

This blue light is cleansing negative expression, gossip or any hurtful speech that is self- directed or directed towards others.

This blue light is finding and multiplying the self-respect in your body.

Self-respect means respecting yourself by valuing your own truths.

It means trusting yourself to do what you believe is right even when this means disappointing other people.

Even when other people don’t understand

When you respect yourself , the approval of others is not important.

Remember that you deserve to be treated with respect and dignity just as everyone else does.

We are all equals.
We are all important.
We are all worthy of respect.

Cultivating self-respect gives you the ability to love yourself for who you truly are.

Without self- respect we can feel regret, shame, loathing and blame

Remember, we are respected by others according to how much we respect ourselves.

If we do not respect ourselves, we cannot expect others to treat us with respect?

Get to know and appreciate who you truly are and respect yourself.

Free yourself from the expectations of others and hear your inner voice.

The inner voice will guide you to a free and happy life filled with integrity and self-respect.

Listen in all directions for sounds. . .

And in the heartbeat hear the sound on the universe often manisfested in the mantra om.

 Now come back to the breath and hear the whisper of the Sankalpa


………………… If you don’t have a sankalpa for today simple say “I respect others and I am respected by others”


See yourself lying on the mat
Riverside and Vineland
Los Angeles
North America
Solar System
Imagine the body is a constellation in the galaxy and resting on each body part is a star

(do the body rotation placing  stars)


Part 1 – Breath in and out of the throat to tail bone tail bone to throat

HAM Meditation


Dishonest -


Now you are going to travel into your past

In the same way you have travelled from the past into the present

Retracing the steps of your memory and consciousness backward from this time

The past in part of time and time is part of your mind

Normally you walk forward in time

I am asking you to walk backward in time

By remembering your past you are going into the deep recesses of your consciousness

Scan your life.  Remember the timeline of your life. 

Notice within last year something you were involved in, a project or program that made you feel good, where you felt respected.

Or perhaps something you are always involved in that brings you respect, pleasure and fulfillment.

And as you are scanning yourself participating in this program event

Notice what you bring or brought to this particular specific event

Notice when you felt respected. 

Notice when you gave respect to others.

What did you bring to this event?

Was it true creativity?

Was it a sense of organization?

Was it an awareness of deep encouragement?

Was it bringing about a sense of order and harmony?

When you work on this project do you feel like you are working from integrity?

Focus and notice the main qualities that you brought to this program, event, to this special project

Without censorship or judgement

What your proclivities are

What did you or do you bring

And mentally record it and be aware of it

And go back a few more years continuing to scan your life on this time line of possibilities

And notice yourself feeling respected as you are involved in particular projects goals

What are you giving?

How are you sharing?

How are you expressing yourself?

Why are you happy?

Are you acting in integrity?

Are you being respectful?

Are you being respected?

As you are noticing this

Begin to notice

Notice your unique way of being in the world

Notice the respect and integrity you bring.  Notice the way you treat others and the respect you bring them.

Notice the small ways that self –respect and respect to others fills your life with joy.

As you are noticing and becoming aware of the respect realize that . .

There is always something to try to happen through you through your own unique patterns

Not someone else’s pattern although it may be similar there may be similar qualities

Notice as you go back a little further

Go back to being a young girl or boy

What were your proclivities?

What was the gift?

What did you bring?

How do you interact with others?

Were  you respectful of them?

Were they respectful of you?

See if you can see a connection between the little boy and girl, the young man or woman, and the most recent experience?

What has always been with you?

What has always been there trying to express itself?

What makes you feel like you are acting in integrity?

What makes you feel respected?

Are you respectful to others?


(as usual)


(as usual)

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