Monday, July 13, 2009

Ted Seth Jacobs

I'm trying to learn more about Ted Seth Jacobs. I am thinking about studying with him - but right now it is because I want to go back to France more than I am especially interested in his philosophy. I really don't know too much about him. I bought his book "Drawing with an Open Mind" and I am slowly going through it.

I like these quotes very much:

" . . . drawing is a trace, a track, a trail - like the leak from an oil-line down a highway or the progress of the worm in the woodwork, the print, the fossilized remains of a movement. Even the fish in the ocean, the free bird in the sky, draw an invisible arabesque after themselves. In the sense, drawing is the relic of movement."

" . . . drawing may be the free-standing original impulse that subsequently generates conceptions which then pique to life the sleeping snake of desire."

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