Monday, June 3, 2013

Light and Shadow (Johnnie Liliedahl)– DVD

Light and Shadow (Johnnie Liliedahl)– DVD

Tonalist vs Colorist

Two approaches to painting outdoors – Tonalist or Colorist – they use temperature differently

Tonalist uses makes little or no use of cool reflected light from sky. Color is for local color of lit areas. It is about a strong statement in light and shadow. They have one color temperature in the shadow area. Uniform dark tone for shadow and shadow sides

Colorist uses will look deeply in shadows for tantalizing twists and turns. Warm light source makes warm colors on light sides. Cool light source make cool colors on light sides. Temperature of cast shadows is opposite of the light source.

A Strong statement about light is better to be a tonalist – they rely on strong value contrasts with just a decorated little color interest

The colorist works with mainly temperature contrasts with just a little interest in value changes.

Beginners have a hard time seeing value and color

Specific color is much less important than temperature shifts

In Studio/Still Life

- Two types of shadow in the Studio - Cast Shadow and Form Shadow

- Cast shadow occurs when light falls on an object. Cast shadows are lit by reflected light from adjacent objects indirect light

- Incandescent and Halogen light sources are very warm

- Warm light – relatively cool cast shadow

- Cool Light – relatively warm cast shadow

- Light source you use in the studio determines the temperature in the shadows

- No flesh colors just observed colors when painting models

- Color and temperature of shadow sides and cast shadows depend on color of surrounding objects and ambient light sources

- In studio – ambient light tends to be warm


. . . using an indoor situations the cast shadows will normally be warm if you are using window light


- Different from studio because of two powerful light sources (sun and sky) in the landscape

- It is important to be able to identify which light source is illuminating what you are painting in the lanscape

- Sun (obvious direct light source) temperature always warm

- Sky (always cool)

- (3) cast shadows, form shadows and open shadows

- Cast shadows are always cool because of reflected blue light from the sky

- Warm light cool cast shadows

- Form shadows on shadow side of a lit object – most often warm

- Open shadows – receive light from objects or surfaces other than the sky – always warm

- All opening into buildings (windows and doors) should be rendered warm

- Open shadow is always illuminated by reflected light off earth forms (living things-trees)

- Reflected Light takes it color and temperature from the surface (ground, grass, etc.) that the direct light strikes

- Form Shadows in the landscape – generalization – all open shadows are warm

- She believe darkest values should be painted transparently and lightest should be painted opaquely

- She uses a solvent as a medium when painting outdoors

- Correctly placing temperature is Important for volume

- Light from sky is very blue

- Open shadows are universally warm

- Colors in the landscape vary according to time of day and atmospheric conditions.

Time of Day and Color of Light in Landscape

- Temperature of shadows is determined by light source

- Suns color changes

- Early Morning and late afternoon is much more color than midday

- Moisture effects color of light

- Noon colors are cooler and 6pm colors are warmer

- Strong light washes out color it does not create or emphasize color

- Midday with overcast clouds is an excellent painting environment

- Cloud cover allows us to see rich cover

- Fog or Mist obscures distant objects – colors are muted

Color in the Palette

- Yellow orange is the hottest on the palette

- Violet Blue is the coldest part of the palette

- Palette: Green – Blue (warm cool)– Purple (warm cool)– Red (warm cool) – Orange – Yellow/Orange – Yellow (cool)

- Don’t work slavishly to local color

- Work on value and temperature relationships

- You can paint the colors you want to see by accurately depicting the temperature

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