Wednesday, August 31, 2016


SAVASANA palms on belly - 2 to 5 minutes

Anger is an emotion that most people have trouble expressing appropriately.
Anger shows ups in our lives in many variations of including: resentment, rage, jealousy, frustration, and stress. The psychological qualities of stubbornness and over-criticalness are closely related to anger.
Anger is a natural response to an interaction or situation that is not desirable for us or those we care about.
Many of us have been taught that expressing anger is harmful or wrong.  We are ashamed and afraid of it. So we ignore, deny or repress their anger.  But anger doesn’t go away, it just goes underground and disturbs our physical and emotional well-being. We will feel unbalanced until we express our anger, change the circumstances that caused it, or forgive the person or people who sparked it.

Start by saying these affirmations
“I forgive myself for not being perfect”
“It is natural to feel angry sometimes”
“I am a good person”
“I can learn from and transform my anger”


Anger lives in the liver and gallbladder.
Connect to your liver and gallbladder by placing your hands under your right ribs and pushing gently there, There under your right ribs you will feel your liver. The gallbladder is below your liver
Sense in your liver if there is any anger, resentment, frustration, stress, imbalance
If there is any ask the message of this feeling of anger (pause)
Deep inhale and exhale and softly ssshhhhhh
With eyes closed: Looking left and looking right to delete any anger, resentment, frustration, stress, imbalance, constriction
Visualize anger, resentment, frustration, stress, imbalance,constriction leaving your mouth as a cloudy gray substance that disappears into the earth to be transformed

Now smile to your liver and your gallbladder they work they do in digestion, regulating blood sugar, and cleansing toxins. Continue smiling as you imagine breathing a spring-green light into these organs

SUPINE HALF MOON POSE aka BANANASANA - Both Sides - 2 to 5 minutes

Benefits: Stretches the whole side of the body.  Lateral flexes the spin. Stretches oblique stomache muscles and side intercostal muscles between the ribs.

Contra-indications: if you experience tingling in the hands place a bolster under the arms or bring the hands down,  If you have lower back issues be mindful and careful with this pose.

Breathwork: Ujjayi

Symbolism:The First Quarter Moon appears approximately a week after the New Moon.  We might call the First  Quarter Moon, as well as the Last Quarter Moon, “the half Moon,” because the Moon appears cut in half.  It is not a quarter of a Moon at all in appearance.At the First Quarter Moon, we might meet challenges we had not prepared for.  We may need to make on-the-spot decisions about how to proceed and then do what needs to be done in order for our intentions to
manifest.  It is a time for action. Last quarter moon is the time to let go, release, and forgive anything and everyone that you may feel has hurt you in any way.  It is a time of emptying self and allowing the universe to take over or whomever you trust in your faith.  It is out of your hands and no more action is needed from you


Anger lies in 1st,  2nd and 3rd Chakra.  1st chakra because it can be caused by expectations that relate to insecurity. Anger can be related to fear and become violent.  In the 2nd chakra it is caused by unfulfilled sensory desires and 3rd chakra when people don’t give us the respect we expect.  But mainly 3rd chakra.

Three characteristics to understanding how anger energy, or energy from the third chakra feels in the body
1) makes parts of your body or certain muscles harden (usually midback, shoulders and jaw)
2) you cannot connect to yourself and somehow you do not feel quite right in your own skin, can’t ground
3) you lose your natural ability to digest a full range of food and beverages because the make you feel nauseous

Benefits: Stretches the chest, neck, and spine. Calms the brain and helps alleviate stress and mild depression. Stimulates abdominal organs, lungs, and thyroid. Rejuvenates tired legs
Improves digestion. Helps relieve the symptoms of menopause. Relieves menstrual discomfort when done supported. Reduces anxiety, fatigue, backache, headache, and insomnia. Therapeutic for asthma, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, and sinus issues

Contra-indications:People with neck injuries should avoid this pose


3. Nose breathing, one of the lasting traditional aspects of yoga, is an anger-coping mechanism that can be used anywhere. One of the best nose breathing exercises is the Three-Part Breath. The Three-Part Breath, also known as the Complete Breath, is the simplest and most rewarding of all yogic breathing exercises. It is both purifying and energizing and, if done slowly and evenly, can produce a sense of serenity and balance. The Three-Part Breath is done by sitting tall and inhaling, bringing your breath deep into your abdomen (try placing a hand on diaphragm or abdomen to make sure you’re breathing deeply enough), then into your rib cage, and finally into your chest and throat. Exhale completely and let negative thoughts and emotions go. Try to make the length of time you take to the inhale the same as when you exhale to achieve the full effect of this exercise.

Symbolism: progress, connections, stability, overcoming obstacles, transtions


- ankle rolls, wrist rolls, shoulder rolls, (pawanmuktasana series)
In anger, the eyes are opened wide (in Calmness eyes are closed). Eyes can express more anger than words.  Anger can cause the jaw, the hands and the whole body to become tight and tense. The entire body becomes tight including hands.  The breath becomes fast and shallow and sounds become harsh and koud. An angry person changes the entire environment and may affect the breathing pattern of others.  It is rajasic and the element fire.  Anger males the body chemistry acidic and causes problems in joints and muscles, destroys the eyesight, causes cardio vascular disturbances such as heart attacks and brings illness to digestive and nervous systems.

Benefits: Strengthens the abdomen, hip flexors, and spine. Stimulates the kidneys, thyroid and prostate glands, and intestines. Helps relieve stress. Improves digestion

Contra-indications:Asthma. Diarrhea. Headache. Heart Problems. Insomnia
Low blood pressure. Menstruation. Pregnancy. Neck injury: Sit with your back near a wall to perform this pose. As you tilt your torso back rest the back of your head on the wall.

Breathwork: In through nose out through mouth. Activate Uddiya Bandha.

Symbolism:  About navigation our lives: Where am I going?What do I consider my "True North" - my ultimate guide? Am I prepared for my journeying (spiritual and otherwise)?How am I navigating through life?How am I maneuvering through adverse conditions?


When anger comes there are 3 healthy ways to deal with it
1) dissolve it the moment it arises by analyzing the unfulfilled expectatiations the lies at the basis id it, and then shifting to one of its enemy rasas – Joy, Love and Wonder
2) Address the circumstances of the anger in a nonviolent way
3) be angry to person on circumstances to show lines have been crosses. Somethings we need to get angry about

Don’t suppress it because it just continues to simmer. Expressing doesn’t mean punishing.

BOW POSE - One Leg at a Time - 1 + minutes

BOW POSE Both Legs -  30 secs +

There are two types of anger: simple anger and complex anger: headache, stub your toe. Simple anger is an expressing of anger related to a single event. Complex anger is related to a series of events. Complex anger is an umbrella emotion.

Benefits: Stretches the entire front of the body, ankles, thighs and groins, abdomen and chest, and throat, and deep hip flexors (psoas). Strengthens the back muscles. Improves posture
Stimulates the organs of the abdomen and neck

Contra-indications:High or low blood pressure. Migraine. Insomnia. Serious lower-back or neck injury

Breathwork: Inhale and Exhale Ram

Symbolism:Doctrine of Truth. Kingship. Virility


As you practice these yoga poses for the 3rd you might experience different sensations.  The 3rd chakra the home to feelings of anger, rage, frustration, revenge, intolerance, judgment, jealousy, hard heartedness and violence. These are all natural to opening up the third chakra.  As you open it up you will move from anger to feelings of success, achievement and added confidence.


The deity of anger is Rudra, a wrathful aspect of Shiva who represents destructive forces. He is the chariot rider of the sun whose arrow causes destruction and disease reminding us that some parts of us need to be “burned away.” His name means the howler and he directly relates to the harsh sounds produced by anger.  By pleasing Rudra problems with anger can be reduced. We pleas Rudra by: giving love, meditating, caring about and for all beings, being disciplined and reducing ignorance.

Benefits: It is a good relaxation pose for all spinal complaints, especially cervical spondylitis and stiff neck or upper back.

OM NAMO BHAGAVATE RUDRAYA Om salutations to Rudra the protector, sustainer and destroyer of the world. This mantra is most suitable for Grihastas ( family people).


The most common areas affected in the body by neagative emotions and beliefs are: the shoulders, the trapezius, the sides of the neck, the armpits, the sides of the rib cage, the solar plexus, outside of the gluteus maximus and the outsides of the things.  All these parts of the body run along the gallbladder meridian.

 Benefits:  Deep compression and stimulation of sacral lumbar arch. Stimulates the door of lide. Tones the spine. In Seal stomache gets a great stretch.

Contra-indications: Bad back or tight sacrum problems. Pregnant use bolsters and don't put belly on floor

Breathwork: Ujjayi

Symbolism:Sphinx - Power, Watching Over. Seal - Being Comfortable in your own skin


Joy, love and wonder are enemies of the anger. Joy and humour relax and remove the seriousness of anger.

FLAPPING FISH - Both Sides - 1 + minutes

The third chakra is the center of your self-esteem. Every time you judge or criticize yourself, you deplete this chakra and weaken your willpower. Self love, self acceptance, and acknowledgement of your own worth are the building blocks of the third chakra.

Benefits: Stretches the spine, shoulders, and hips. Massages the abdominal organs. Relieves lower backache, neck pain, and sciatica. Helps relieve stress. Improves digestion. Especially good in the second trimester of pregnancy for strengthening the lower back. Therapeutic for carpal tunnel syndrome

Visualization: Visualize a candle flame. Now visualize that flame  in your solar plexus down to your navel and up again through the trunk of your body.

TWISTING DRAGON POSE - 2 to 5 minutes

Fire is the element of anger and the Manipura; fire purifies the past and energizes progress towards mental awareness and spiritual development. This chakra is where we get our "gut instincts" that signal us what to do when we need guidance.

Benefits: Hip and Groin Opener.

Contra-indications: Can be uncomfortable for kneecap or ankle

Symbolism:The most common message a Dragon totem carry to us is a need for strength, courage, and fortitude. Dragons are also messengers of balance, and magic - encouraging us to tap into our psychic nature and see the world through the eyes of mystery and wonder.More specifically, Dragons are the embodiment of primordial power - the ultimate ruler of all the elements. This is because the Dragon is the master of all the elements: Fire, Water, Earth, and Wind.

Breathwork: Start with an Upright Dragon and Do Breath of fire Before Completely getting in pose.
Ujjayi while in the twisting version.

SUPINE SPINAL TWIST - 2 to 5 minutes each side

In the Artist’s Way Julia Cameron writes “Anger is fuel that propels us into our new life. Anger is a tool, not a master. We feel it and we want to do something. Anger is meant to be acted upon but not to be acted out. Anger is a loyal friend that always tells us when we have betrayed ourselves.  It will always tell is that it is time, to act in our own best interest. Anger is not the action itself. It is action’s invitation.

Benefits: Twists rotate the spine and stretch the muscles of the back. This helps to restore and retain the spine’s natural range of motion. If we don’t employ our natural range of motion we run the risk of our joints hardening and fusing. The surrounding supportive soft tissue can also become short and dysfunctional. In twists you work with the spine and the action of ‘lengthening’ is to create space between the vertebrae. When there's a lack of space our spine tends to slump or get stuck and our energy levels drop. Through twisting we lengthen the spine and get space between the bones. Then our energy can flow better. Twists give us an instant energy lift and decompress the vertebrae in a safe healthy way. Twists are commonly known to aid digestion. It is important to realize what that actually means! Twists are great for creating movement in and around our organs (mobility and motility). So in terms of helping our food being moved along.. twists are great.

Contra-indications: Shoulder issues

Visualization: Visualize the color of the sun, bright yellow at noon, streaming into your solar plexus and radiating out to your entire body with warmth and light.

As the twist slowly open and close the mouth

FINAL SAVASANA - as long as you wish

Relaxation Breath is a slow-paced technique used to induce a state of deep relaxation and centeredness. It’s another simple exercise that can be utilized for stress and anger in daily life as it can help reverse the physiological effects of stress, including lowering the heart rate and decreasing blood pressure. To practice Relaxation Breath, lie comfortably on your back and relax your body from any tensity. Place your right hand on your chest and your left hand on the upper part of your abdomen. Breathe so only your left hand rises during the inhale and falls during the exhale. Your right hand should remain virtually motionless. Make sure to give an equal amount of time to the inhale and exhale




Benefits: Strengthens the arms, abdomen and legs. Strengthens the wrists
Improves sense of balance. Tones and stregthens the core, with a focus on the oblique muscles

Affirmation: I am strong and courageous

Breathwork: Inhale Strength, Exhale Courage

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