Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Chakra Body Map - Lisa Yogini

I did this interactive exercise with Lisa last week to bring awareness to and map the experience of the
chakras.  The goal is to simply become aware of the location of the chakras in the body and begin to experience the energy there. One may also gain (or notice)a general sense of whether the energy at each center is open or constricted.

The meditations in italics are taken from Joseph Le Page.

Use full-length body paper. Lay it out flat on the floor. Allow the person you are working with to lay down on top of the paper. Ask your receiver to take a deep breath, hold the breath for one long count, and as they exhale, ask them:

“What is the first color that comes to your mind?”

Lisa's was black

After they’ve given their color, find that color or the closest one to it in your magic markers. With their hands down at their sides, palms up, outline their body on to the paper. After the outline is traced, give the following introduction to the exercise:

" Within the body, there are a series of vital energy centers, called chakras, where the life force is concentrated. Through exploring and opening these centers, we are able to connect with our core energy, which is an unlimited source of healing, balance, and awakening. We are going on a journey to explore these various energy centers. Allow this to be an open exploration with no particular goal in mind. Hold an intention to be open to this experience from a place of self-love and self-acceptance. Allow yourself to be fully present as much as possible and allow whatever feelings that come up, positive or negative, to be experienced fully.

 You can allow the body to physically move into any yoga postures that will deepen your exploration, connection, and opening in these centers. You may also visualize yourself in the postures, allowing your energy body to come into movement while the physical body remains in stillness. Allow any sounds to be released as you experience the energy centers.

 During this journey through the chakras, I’ll be asking questions about your experience.
These are directions for your awareness and you do not need to answer out loud. You’ll
have an opportunity to share your experience verbally when we complete the
journey. If you have a question at any time during the experience, feel free to ask.

 We’ll begin with an exercise that brings awareness to the various vital energy centers.
Relax the body and begin to breathe deeply through the soles of the feet. Feel the breath
as a slow motion wave traveling through the body. Allow the breath to travel all the way up
to the crown of the head (pause while the receiver connects with the breath). Now, bring
your awareness down to the toes. Become aware of the toes and the feet, feeling the
wave of breath wash through them as you feel the sensations of the breath flowing through
the body. Allow this awareness to flow into the ankles... the lower legs... the knees... the
upper legs. Bring your awareness to the thighs, and then to the base of the body, the


"This is the area at the very base of the body – the perineum. Begin by taking a deep inhaling
breath, hold the breath in, and as you exhale, allow the breath and awareness to flow fully
into this area of the body and become aware of any sensations... Now, begin to breathe
into this area, creating even greater awareness of any feelings or sensations...Explore the area in detail... Does the energy in this center have a particular shape...color... size... or density?... Does the energy feel open or closed?... You may even experience an inner sound or a particular emotion related to this energy center."

"Allow the body to move into a Yoga posture that would naturally open this energy center"

Lisa moved into supine butterfly

"Make a mental picture of the energy in this center. Allow this image to be held in a gentle, loving awareness, and when you have a feeling of the energy in this center, come to a place of rest as you hold the feeling of this energy center in your awareness (pause one minute)... Now, slowly
begin to stretch and move the body... As you are ready, roll onto the right side and up to a
seated position. Now, use the markers and draw your experience of the first chakra onto
the body map. Simply allow the drawing to flow from within you. It may include images,
symbols, words, or just expressions of color (pause 2-3 minutes). As you complete your
drawing, return to a place lying on your back as we continue our journey of the chakras"

She described what she saw as a volcano


"Now, allow your awareness to travel into the lower abdomen, four finger-widths below the
navel, just above the pubic bone. Take a deep inhaling breath and hold the breath in. As you
exhale, allow your complete awareness to rest in this energy center and begin to notice the
quality of the energy here... Take the breath into this area, allowing the sensations to
gently expand in order to sense the energy more deeply... Tune into the feelings and
sensations... Feel the energy from the front of the lower abdomen all the way to the
sacrum... Notice if the energy in that area radiates out easily into the body. Does the
energy in this center have a particular shape... color... size... density... sound... or
emotion? What Yoga posture would allow you to explore this energy more deeply? "

Lisa moved into savasana 

"Allow an image to form of the energy here, holding this part of your being in a gentle and
loving embrace. Make a mental picture of the energy in this center. Allow this image be held
in a gentle, loving awareness, and when you have a feeling of the energy in this center,
come to a place of rest as you hold the feeling of this energy center in your awareness."
(pause one minute)... Now, slowly begin to stretch and move the body... As you are
ready, roll onto the right side and up to a seated position. Now, use the art materials and
draw your experience of the second chakra onto the body map. Simply allow the drawing
to flow from within you. It may include images, symbols, words, or just expressions
of color (pause 2-3 minutes). As you complete your drawing, return to a place lying on your
back as we continue our journey of the chakras. "

Lisa said she saw a starfish


"Now, bring your awareness to the upper abdomen, where the ribs meet in the front of
the body. Inhale, and as you exhale, let your awareness enter this area and begin to
explore the quality of the energy here. Is it feeling open and comfortable or tight and
compressed? What’s the emotional tone of this area? Is there a shape... a color... or a
texture... a movement? Allow these feelings and sensations to be
gently amplified with the breath, feeling the energy all the way into the middle of the
back. Which Yoga posture would allow you to feel this energy more fully? (pause)"

Lisa choose fish pose

"Now, make a mental picture of the energy in the area of the solar plexus and as you hold this
area in your awareness, come back to a seated position in your own time and express
Manipura Chakra on your body map. As you complete your drawing, return to a place lying
on your back."

Lisa saw a tornado

"Now, slowly bring your awareness up to the heart center, noticing the place where the
energy feels strongest in the center of the chest. If the entire chest were a wheel, where
would the hub be? Take a deep inhalation and as you exhale, allow your awareness to enter
through the hub of the wheel and then gently radiate out through this energy center...
Begin to explore this area... Allow any sensations of warmth, tingling, or tightness to
gently expand, so you can experience the energy fully in this center... Notice how this
energy responds to the breath as it deepens.... Notice the quality of the energy
here... shape... texture... color... density... Is there an inner sound? What feelings and
emotions are held in the heart? ... (pause) Is there a posture that would allow the heart
center to be experienced more fully and openly? (pause)"

Lisa choose child's pose

Now, while holding the heart energy in a loving embrace, as a mother would hold a child, return slowly to the seated position and express the heart center on your body map. As you complete your drawing, return to a place lying on your back as we continue our journey of the chakras. "

Lisa saw a conch


"Allow your awareness now to rise up into your throat. Inhale and hold the breath in. As you
exhale, allow the breath to expand through the throat and become one with the energy
here. Notice whether this center feels open to communication or restricted, perhaps a sense
that there are words that can’t be released from the throat (pause). Notice the quality of
the energy here – shape... size... color...density... There may even be a sense of a
particular taste in the throat... What emotions are held here? (pause) Allow the breath to flow into this energy center, gently expanding the sensations. (pause) pause) Allow an image of your experience to be held in this space. Is there a Yoga posture, which would  deepen and expand your experience? "

Lisa choose supine Jastiasana/The Great Stretch with arms over head

"Allow the breath to flow into this energy center, gently expanding the sensations.
(pause) Which Yoga posture would open the area fully? (pause) Allow an image to form of
this aspect of your being and as you are ready, return to a seated position and express
the throat chakra on your body map. As you complete your drawing, return to a place lying
on your back as we continue our journey of the chakras."


"Now, allow the energy to rise into the area between the eyebrows. Take a deep inhaling
breath; hold the breath in and as you exhale, allow your awareness to travel back into the
area behind the center of the eyebrows. Feel as if there were a tunnel or doorway leading
you back into the deepest part of your being..Feel the energy here... Is there a form... a
sense of color... perhaps a symbol? Allow the energy to deepen and expand. (pause) Allow
an image of your experience to be held in this space. Is there a Yoga posture, which would
deepen and expand your experience? 

Lisa choose Lion

"Allow an image of your experience to be held in this space. Is there a Yoga posture, which would
deepen and expand your experience? Now, allow an image to form of your experience of
the third eye and as you are ready, come to seated position and express this image on
your body map. As you complete your drawing, return to a place lying on your back
as we continue our journey of the chakras."

Lisa saw a double helix swirling in infinity


"Now, allow your awareness to rise up into the crown of the head, take a deep inhaling
breath. As you release, allow the sensations to spread through the crown and beyond...
Allow your whole being to merge with the sensations of energy. Is there a color or
symbol? Connect deeply with the quality of the energy here... Sense an opening in crown
of the head like the lens of a camera. Is the lens open to the energy coming in from
above? (pause) Is there a Yoga posture, which would allow you to sense this energy
more fully? ... 

Lisa choose 1/2 Lotus with Jnana Mudra

Now, form an image of the crown chakra and as you are ready, come to a
seated position and express the feeling of this energy on your body map. As you feel
complete here, allow the abdomen to begin to rise and fall fully with the breath. "

"Again, allow the breath to begin to flow through the body like a gentle, slow motion
wave, from the soles of the feet to the crown of the head... Feel the breath in the feet and
legs... Again, feel the breath in the base chakra and allow the breath to rise slowly up
through the energy centers, feeling your images and sensations associated with each of
the centers: base of the body... lower abdomen... the solar plexus... the heart center... the throat... the third eye... the crown and beyond. Hold the images of your journey gently as you allow the breath to
deepen... Then, as you’re ready, take the next full minute to roll onto your right side and
back up into a seated position. "


Now, look at the outline of your body map again and allow yourself to complete your
chakra map spontaneously and creatively. Use any colors, shapes, and/or images. You
can write descriptions with words, allowing this to be a free expression of your being. Let
me know when you feel complete. 

". .. take some time now to share anything you would like about your drawing or the
experience of your journey through the energy centers. (As they share repeat back to
them what has been said, never judging or commenting, just repeating what is being

Here is what Lisa shared:

"Root felt most closed but then when I concentrated on it, it opened more up.  Second Chakra was going all over the place.  It's not located in one place.  Third felt "normal" Fourth maybe felt the most "open" as I could feel energy coming from heart center, Fifth felt very "velvety" and I saw the white dove--which to me seems like a representation of voicing peace, truth and justice.  Sixth was intriguing as I saw the double-helix spinning in a purple-blue color and I felt like my intuition was trying to tell me something about God being in the very DNA of our bodies.  Then, in 7th, it was like a portal, with a hole in the middle connected to the Galactic Black hole, raining golden light down into my crown and then back up.  It's like an umbilical cord with the black hole.

As for issues I'm dealing with....hmm.  Probably shows trepidation for rooting down into Earth although I love Mother and actively do it every day.  Second Chakra all over the place shows I am a creative being but probably not focussed enough.  A contained 3d chakra was good, I thought, as I have been working on loving my self and trying to build the will to cary me forward, the heart felt like I was open and that I am trying to be lead by my heart.  5th felt like i have use my voice for good and 6th reinforces my feelings lately about miracle and plasticity of our bodies and 7th shows me that although I sometimes forget, I am connected to something beyond my current understanding.  Beyond the heavens, beyond thought."

(After their sharing is complete) Is there anything you would like to add to your
drawing, any notes or further images to complete this experience?

Lisa choose to give me her drawing she didn't feel compelled to work on it anymore

"... come into a seated position now and sit quietly for the next few minutes. Allow
yourself to integrate your experience by letting your awareness move freely through
the energy centers or by focusing on a particular center. Allow this experience to
unfold spontaneously. End the session in a way that feels appropriate to you and your receiver."

We ended with Om and Namaste

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