Monday, May 18, 2020

Flowering Arrows of Kameshvari

- The first flowering arrow in Kameshvari's quiver is Unmada. in Sanskrit, Unmada means frenzy, madness or mental derangement. What desires have you had that have put you in a state of Unmada (often named maddening)?

- Kameshvari's second flowering arrow is Tapana. The word ‘Tapana’ has Sanskrit origin which means ‘illuminating’ or a ‘burning desire’. What desires are/ or have but you in the state of Tapana (often named longing)?

- Kameshvari's third flowering arrow is Shoshana. Shoshana means to dry up, desiccate, wither away, emaciate, absorb or exhaust. What desires have you had or do you have that put you in the state of Shoshana (often named kindling)?

- Kameshvari's fourth flowering arrow is Stambhana. Stambhana, means paralyzing, stiffening, making rigid or immovable. What desires have you or did you have that have put you in the state of Stambhana (often named wasting)?

- Kameshvari's means flowering arrow is Sammohana. Sammohana means stupefying, infatuating, bewitching, and fascinating. What desires do you or have you had that put you in the state of Stambhana (often named enchanting)?

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