Thursday, June 29, 2017


I have taught Vajra Mudra a couple of times over the last few weeks.  I teach it in Lunar Hatha when ever we are on the day of Vajreshwari, the lunar nitya.

I also taught the mudra for Chapter 3 of Arists Way class on discovering your personal power and I taught in my Yin Class on Transforming Fear.

Vajra Mudra's core quality is self-empowerment. "Vajra means "diamond," referring to the diamond shape formed by the fingers in Vajra mudra. This gesture directs breath, awareness and energy into the third chakra, awakening our "inner diamond" of energy and vitality. This mudra enhances empowerment, determination and clarity, supporting the unfolding of all of our unique talents and possibilities. This gesture also enhances the movement of the diaphragm, creating a massaging effect that supports the health of the digestive system while increasing circulation to the area of the mid back, kidneys and adrenal glands." - Joseph Le Page

In Himalayan Bowl Training I learned about placing the vajra on the body to move energy to areas of need in the clients body.  I also learned how to clear chakras with a crystal vajra.

Here are the instructions for making the mudra.

1.       Touch the tips of the thumbs to the tips of the index fingers of each hand.
2.       Bring the thumbs and index fingers of each hand together.
3.       Join the pads of the middle fingers together, forming a diamond shape.
4.       Curl the little and ring fingers naturally inward toward the palms.
5.       Hold the gesture at the solar plexus with the middle fingers facing forward.
6.       Relax the shoulders back and down, with the elbows held slightly away from the body and the spine naturally aligned.

I've written about the diamond before. Vajra is also part of the yoga pose Varjrasana which is called in English Thunderbolt pose.

Supta Vajrasana is part of my regular Bikram Yoga Practice.  It is called Fixed-Form but it could also be translated as sleeping diamond or thunderbolt pose.  The pose is considered the healer of the knees.

That has come to me in meditation.  I like the concept of the what I call "the diamond self."  In buddhism there is a sutra that has the  Sanskrit title Vajracchedikā Prajñāpāramitā Sūtra, which may be translated roughly as the "Vajra Cutter Perfection of Wisdom Sūtra." In English, the shortened forms of the sutra are the Diamond Sūtra and Vajra Sūtra. The title comments on the power of the vajra (diamond or thunderbolt) to cut things.   This cutting is the wisdom that cuts and shatters illusions to get to ultimate reality.  The Diamond Sūtra has also been highly regarded in a number of Asian countries where Mahāyāna Buddhism has been traditionally practiced. :"Its major themes are anatman (not-self), the emptiness of all phenomena (though the term 'śūnyatā' itself does not appear in the text), the liberation of all beings without attachment and the importance of spreading and teaching the Diamond sutra itself."

Four Main Points of the Diamond Sutra described by Hsing Yun

1) Giving without attachment to self
2) Liberating beings without notions of self and other
3) Living without attachment
4) Cultivating without attainment.

For me these are all Yogic Principles in the Yamas and Niyamas and lead to the Diamond Self.

When I did Joseph Le Page's guided Mudra Meditation for Vajra I experienced in a new way.  I really felt the diamond.  I understood the mudras shape.  My thumbs felt like the top of the diamond and my index fingers were the base.  My Diamond self was shining out into the universe as well as reflecting the universe.  I heard the words "self-esteem, confidence and life purpose" very clearly.  It reminded why I wanted to be a Yoga Therapist and have done so much to try to be on this path.

The affirmation
"My inner jewel shines brilliantly, empowering me to manifest my life vision completely."  
doesn't go with my understanding of what vajra means to me.

My affirmation is

"I cut through, shatter and release all attachments in order to discover my true self."

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